Monday, May 11, 2009

Role of Seven - When You're Sleeping Pt 1

Yeah, I made up my mind. Mainly because I found an okay stopping point. So this chapter will come in pieces as well. Probably 3, maybe 4, not sure just yet. I was gonna wait until like Wednesday anyways, but I don't actually like sitting on chapters for so long.
Anyways, we are now officially on Chapter 5, 'When You're Sleeping'.

And here are the notes:
My spell checker totally hates me because I always end sentences with prepositions. I know it's technically bad grammar, but it's the way I talk and I can't really break the habit in writing without things seeming awkward. Also according to spell checker, you can't be angry 'at' someone just 'with', screw that.

Is it silly to have all the guest quarters in the administration building?
Did it make it a lot easier since they were all in one building?

Also, I don't think 'cloak' is really the right word (I tend to imagine cloaks as being sleeveless), but jacket doesn't work for me either when I look at the ones worn by both the Forth Hokage and the Akatsuki. I guess they're more like trench coats, but that's a long phrase and I don't feel like typing it a lot so you get 'cloak' instead.

Characterizations are still off. It's technically for in story reasons, but it actually bothered me a bit because it feels forced. When I was writing the first version I found this funny, and I still do find it kind of funny because at least I recognize how forced it is, but that doesn't actually help raise the quality.

I think that's it for now. Next update will probably be end of this week or early next week.
Spielplatz out!

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