Thursday, May 7, 2009

Role of Seven - 2000 Years Pt. 4

Okay, new update.

I'll be honest, I wanted to write more of a fight scene, but I just didn't feel like it in the end. I've gone back over it a few times to try and put more in, like after Anko and Sakura left, but I finally just decided to leave it as it is.

Also, if you've read anything else I've written on this site, then you know I am not capable of treating Ibiki with respect. He ends up ridiculous in everything I write because he's just such an easy target.
Naruto's eyes actually shifted last chapter (Tsunade noticed it). Just like Kakashi told Ibiki, it doesn't mean anything for the seal, Naruto's just really pissed of at the attack on top of being on edge because of pretty much the entire day. You can draw any other conclusions you want for the time being.

There was a hint in this chapter about what might become a spoiler later in the story. If you don't know enough about Asuma's history canon-wise to know where that belt thing comes from, then it'll be a spoiler when it gets explained here, but that won't be for a while. (I've also seen his belt called a loincloth, it just doesn't look like one to me so I'll keep calling it a belt)

And yes, Kakashi is another character who is almost never in character when I write him. He seems to be becoming more hot-headed in this fic (as opposed to insane which is how I normally end up writing him). I'll work on him a bit more in the future but I really don't want to break the stride too much; so as long as he isn't horrible, I'll probably just keep going with whatever comes out of my head at the time (if you want an example of something coming out of nowhere - that fight with Ibiki was totally not planned but I ended up liking it).
Feel free to tell me if he's horrible.

Tsuande on the other hand shouldn't normally come across like this. Hopefully it'll be more understandable once I get the next chapter up.

I also decided to give the poor ANBU a name since I was picking on him so much. He also got a back story. Jiro was one of Itachi's teammates, but he's several years older than Itachi. He might never ever show up again (after a brief scene next chapter) but I felt he deserved this much.

The next chapter will be up some time next week and it will actually be the start of a new chapter!

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