Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Insert Laughter Here

I'm reading the reviews right now.
The answers on 21 were funny.
These are too.

Just for clarity's sake, my bio on does say that I'm a chick.

As for the nick name - which seems to be throwing a lot of people - it came from college and the age Matrix and Lord of the Rings.
I had really long, really straight dark hair - which my friends immediately connected to the elves in Lord of the Rings.
The not so obvious cross over, on bad days it took after Elrond who played Agent Smith in Matrix.
"Spielplatz" as far as I was told is the german word for playground. My friends and I would joke that when we took over the world - as all college students think they will do - we could call it "Operation Spielplatz" because we would be turning the world into our playground.
Basically the two jokes got combined along with a few about exactly what my roll would be in our grand plan - let's just say it involved bodies and gutters - and I became 'Agent Spielplatz'.
I'm actually surprised by how many people just assume that it's male but oh well, such is the world.


  1. Wow, I actually think that's a creative, fun and unique way to choose a name. I have decided to change my penname, and I can't think of anything for months now :D

    Are you offended by all these people assuming you're male? I'm really just curious, lots of people thought over at YouTube that I was a guy, just because I did a Bleach AMV with Skillet. :D But it never really bothered me, and so I'm wandering what are your feelings on the matter. :)

  2. Oh, and my German is actually really limited, I never had any German classes, but isn't Spiel written with an "sch"? Schpiel? (I'm sorry if I'm mistaken, all my German knowledge comes from watching anime in German for 2-3 years :D)

  3. I'm not really offended, just amused. I didn't really notice it at first but I started noticing the 'dudes' and 'man' piling up in reviews and it got me thinking.
    Admittedly, asking for people's opinions means I need to be open to their answers. On one level I don't care if they think I'm a guy. But sometimes, their reasoning goes beyond making me giggle and makes me really, really sad at their assumptions about what girl's write and what guy's write. But I try not to take it too personally and instead just continue doing what I do to prove that girls can write stuff other than romance - mostly because I couldn't write 'romance' to save my life, relationships I can do, romance, nope.
    It's actually really funny since it means they never looked in my profile on it says I'm a girl.
    As for the german, you could easily be right. I spelled it the way a roommate told me to and never bothered to look up whether or not it was correct. After the first time I used it, I just stuck with this spelling.
