Monday, April 27, 2009

The Blahs

I don't think I really have writers block but whatever it is writing is just not really happening. Especially with Juniper. Juniper hates me right now and I think it's because there are supposed to be fight scenes in this chapter and I just really don't want to write fight scenes after being away from the fic for so long.
Instead I'm working on Role of Seven again. It has a fight scene in it too so I doubt I'll much of an easier time with it but since it's kinda drama-ish I figure I'll be able to get further with it than I would with 21 because I am not in a good enough mood to write humor (hence the blahs).
Anyways, just a mini-update thing for those of you following this.
Also I had someone ask if After the Dream was posted any where so I figured I'd add the link here:


  1. So I just read your chapter on fanfic, and I think you are insane. The past few chapters you posted for 21 and Role of Seven are amazing. They have nice characterization, well developed ideas, funny and dramatic (depending on story) and have me sitting on edge of my chair anxious for next posting.
    I think you have what happens often to me; I get times when I write something or start to and keep trashing it because I don’t feel its 100%. My friend has told me to stop trashing, send it to someone you trust and let them give their opinion. I have started doing this and while my head is saying ‘sucks! Could be better’ the people I have ask opinions from before posting tell me what they think. Strangely they seem to love, and when I actually post I get good responses.
    I have found that often the biggest critic to a story is the author themselves. What helps for me is to take some time to read others stuff to get my head back in the game (reading others makes me want to write) and talking over ideas with others not to mention let them see what I have written so far to make sure I am not imagining the chapter not working.
    So consider this an encouraging, “its all in your head, keep going” and hey if you need someone to bounce ideas off of, I’m hear…
    And hey, if Juniper appears to be kicking your butt, do what I do, go back read it from start to finish, that might help you get back into the feel of it also.
    Hope your ‘blahs’ ease up.

  2. Thanks for the encouraging words as that is definitely part of the problem. The other part right now is that I know (almost) exactly what I want to write and I can't seem to find the words. I managed to sorta get through the first part as I promised myself that I wouldn't question myself too much (if I was there still wouldn't be any updates on anything) - of course the quality has probably dropped a bit. Anyways, thanks again for the encouragement. I hope you continue to enjoy the stories.
