Monday, April 27, 2009

Role of Seven

New chapter up, part 2 of Chapter 4 to be exact. I decided to work on cutting my author notes shorter by just putting the end of chapter notes up here. So here we go:
For starters, I don't think I'll ever be able to write a Naruto fan-fic without mentioning Tora. I don't know why such a basic scene caught my interest, but I really can't get that poor cat out of my head.
I also think I need to stop starting conversations in these fics. Whenever I do, they end up going on for pages with useless information but then I don't feel like deleting them because they make the posts look longer.
I also think I need to stop trying to be vague, like that conversation between the Daimyo and Tsunade. That does not come across as properly vague, it just makes them sound stupid.

As for the whole performance thing, I came up with that for AtD (including the one in this chapter) when I was really into dance. It's more acrobatics than anything (which makes sense once you have more context about the characters). It's kinda hard to write from a spectators point of view when you're not used to writing movement or much detail so I doubt I really got across what I was trying to get across, but it was actually fun so I'm not at all sorry if you didn't enjoy it (yeah I'm in a childish mood at the moment).
And no, Sakura isn't nervous because she's grabbing Naruto's arm. She's grabbing his arm to comfort herself over her realization and is nervous because she tried to talk to Kakashi when he's obviously out of it.

Lastly, I'm trying to make Tsunade seem a little more aware this time around since in AtD and in earlier chapters of this she didn't really seem to get that the villagers can be nasty. It's still kinda lumped into one place because of time skips, but hopefully it helps a bit.

Also, the Mizukage is now quite as random as she seems. She was supposed to have more lines in this part of the chapter, but then I didn't feel like writing them right now so they'll go in the next part of the chapter.

I can't really think of anything else right now, but feel free to ask any (well not any) questions that you have. I'm not always prompt in getting back to you, but I've been doing better lately.

And now, this little agent is going to bed because she's been up all night and is freaking tired.

The Blahs

I don't think I really have writers block but whatever it is writing is just not really happening. Especially with Juniper. Juniper hates me right now and I think it's because there are supposed to be fight scenes in this chapter and I just really don't want to write fight scenes after being away from the fic for so long.
Instead I'm working on Role of Seven again. It has a fight scene in it too so I doubt I'll much of an easier time with it but since it's kinda drama-ish I figure I'll be able to get further with it than I would with 21 because I am not in a good enough mood to write humor (hence the blahs).
Anyways, just a mini-update thing for those of you following this.
Also I had someone ask if After the Dream was posted any where so I figured I'd add the link here:

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Since I'm in a good mood I decided to go ahead and update the next chapter of 21. The general quality of my writing is still pretty low since I haven't really felt like editing much (and my characterization just plain sucks right now), but I giggled when I was re-reading it so hopefully that counts for something.
Also, I wanted to hurry up and reveal that Kakashi and Iruka are gay in this fic. I couldn't care less what actual pairings/sexual orientation (if any) show up in the actual manga, but in fanfic this is one of my favorite pairings. It doesn't necessarily make sense, but that's what makes it fun. Anyways, I knew a lot of people would probably stop reading because of slash so I decided to get it up fairly early so that they don't get too invested in the story (the hate mail seems to be worse when that happens).
I kind of wish I was a bit cleverer so that I could come up with better pranks for Naruto to play so hopefully I can work on that in the future. The pranks I write just end up seeming so tame.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

'Role of Seven' Question

I'm getting ready to post the next chapter of 'Role of Seven' so I figured I'd put a post up here including the question at the end of it.
When I first started this fic (under the name 'After the Dream') the manga had not yet confirmed that Naruto's father was the Fourth Hokage. Because so many people were using that 'theory' at the time I decided to come up with a different heritage for Naruto in this particular fic. Now though, the manga has confirmed it and I've gotten annoyed by the alternate one that I created for the fic. It hasn't come up yet in 'Role of Seven' so I've been thinking about changing his heritage in the story to the official one, at least in terms of who his father is (I don't think I'll be able to work Kushina into it).
My question is whether any readers really want one or the other. His heritage isn't that important in the fic, and it certainly won't change the overall story regardless of which one I decide to go with. So the options are:
Keep going with the alternate heritage (though I won't explain it yet because that would take the fun out of revealing it in the fan fic)
Go with his father being the Fourth Hokage

I will say that no matter what Naruto was supposed to be related to the Fourth Hokage, so like I said before no major changes will come about just because the Fourth is named as his father.
Any opinions?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hmm, I'll put a link to here in my fan fiction account in a few days. I'm really just starting this to vent when I start getting frustrated with my writing. If readers start showing up maybe they can help boost my desire to write or something.