Sunday, October 25, 2009

Site trouble?

I'm having a bit of trouble logging into I was trying to respond to a few reviews and it wouldn't let log in. I'm gonna wait til tomorrow and try again. Hopefully I'll be able to respond to reviews and post the next chapter then.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Juniper - Interlude 7

Before I get to the notes for 'Interlude 7' (if I can think of any), I wanted to address a running trend in last chapter's reviews. Namely that some of you were very confused by the 'Anko's cousin' thing.

I try not to just spell everything out in my fics. I like leaving people guessing a bit.
...Apparently I did that way too well this time.
I tried over the past chapters to make people wonder just why Anko was involved. I had Kakashi and Sasuke question it, one of them directly to her.
I made multiple notes of similarities between Naruto and Anko.
I had her talk to him more than anyone else about her family...namely her Aunt.
I had her teach him a family style of taijutsu.
Obviously I didn't spell out that Naruto was Anko's cousin until this past interlude, but I'm kind of surprised that no one at least guessed that it was a possibility.
I don't know if this is because Naruto's heritage has been officially revealed in canon, or if I'm just bad at getting readers to consider possibilities.
It could be either. And I apologize to those who were very confused by it.

As for the interlude...not much to say right now. Maybe I'll come up with something later.

Oh one last thing, unless I get another sudden burst of motivation, there will only be 3 more interludes. Unfortunately, unless I get another sudden burst of motivation, there may be a gap before the main chapter is posted because I'm still not making a lot of headway on it. I'll keep you posted on progress but let's just say that right now I've mostly managed to throw out the majority of what I had planned previously and rewrite the summary for the chapter. That's a good start, but obviously isn't much.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Juniper - Interlude 6

Okay I'm gonna use these notes to talk about my characterizations for a bit.
But that's in a minute.
First off, Interlude 6 is up. This is the direct follow up of Interlude 4. Chronologically, this takes place before Interlude 5 but I wanted to break 4 & 6 up a bit. If you were wondering why the Hokage was so...abrupt in last chapter, this is why.
Originally, I was gonna hold off fully clearing up Naruto and Minato's (4th Hokage) relationship until the chapter after 'Snakes', but it just didn't make sense to do that once I sat down to write this. Hopefully the original 'reveal' scene will just be funny now since you know exactly who Naruto's father is - namely that it's the same as canon.

So now onto characterizations!
I tend mention trying to keep characters 'in character' with canon, but I'll be completely honest, if I want a character to be different, they're gonna be different.
I don't label my fanfiction's as 'AU' but I treat them that way just by default. I'm not writing 'speculative' fanfiction here. I'm writing for fun and I'm playing with another person's long developed characters. I let Kishimoto handle the canon stuff. I let my fanfiction handle the 'I'm bored and wanna write weird shit' stuff.
Most of the time when I come up with a story, at least some part of canon is completely dumped so that I can run with a plot bunny. That changes characters by essentially removing a whole chunk of experiences and I try to take that into consideration.
Clearly this story's Kakashi is an example of this. He's possibly insane - though that's up to debate and he's not gonna clear it up any time soon.
Another example: Sarutobi.
I tend to be really, really mean to Sarutobi when I write fanfiction. I like his character in canon. But to mess with these characters, someone in power takes the fall. Sarutobi is an easy target. He'll probably never be a full on villain, but sometimes he is surprisingly pragmatic. And sometimes he is senile. He does care for the characters as he says he does, but he also has a village to run. Sacrifices get made.

I think that's all that needs to be said.

Insert Laughter Here

I'm reading the reviews right now.
The answers on 21 were funny.
These are too.

Just for clarity's sake, my bio on does say that I'm a chick.

As for the nick name - which seems to be throwing a lot of people - it came from college and the age Matrix and Lord of the Rings.
I had really long, really straight dark hair - which my friends immediately connected to the elves in Lord of the Rings.
The not so obvious cross over, on bad days it took after Elrond who played Agent Smith in Matrix.
"Spielplatz" as far as I was told is the german word for playground. My friends and I would joke that when we took over the world - as all college students think they will do - we could call it "Operation Spielplatz" because we would be turning the world into our playground.
Basically the two jokes got combined along with a few about exactly what my roll would be in our grand plan - let's just say it involved bodies and gutters - and I became 'Agent Spielplatz'.
I'm actually surprised by how many people just assume that it's male but oh well, such is the world.

Juniper - Interlude 5

So next interlude is up. I think I know exactly how many more there are going to be. But I'm still open to suggestions.
TenTen and Chouji will both have one.
Anko, Gai, Kakashi, Iruka, and Asuma will all be seen in some.
And there's one more that I'll leave as a surprise for now.

Anyways, onto the notes.
I promise that Kirigakure is right this time but it isn't actually important to the story anyways since they won't be going there.
Also, this chapter contains some of the most straight forward information - if you can pick it out of all the double talk on the Hokage's part.
Lastly, just for fun, Iruka's teammate who joined've met her. Can you guess who she is canon wise? (It isn't actually hard)
If someone guesses in a comment here, I'll post the next interlude as soon as I read it (within 24 hours or so).

I thinks that's all.
I'm going to sleep, see you in a bit, maybe tomorrow if someone guesses.

Juniper Question

I know not a lot of readers read this blog if there aren't chapter notes to go over...okay so I know not a lot of readers read it then either, but I'm going to ask it here first and see if I get any early response. I'll mention it next time I update Juniper as well.
Basically, my original frame for Juniper included a rather small cross over. It isn't really connected to the main plot but it would drift in and out for a while (no it's not Harry Potter, though that might be really fun to play with some day).
Without revealing too much right now, I'd just like to sound out how readers feel about cross overs in general.
The first chapter that would include the cross over is 'approaching' - really, really slowly, but still approaching. And I'd just like to start feeling out whether or not I should take it off the board.
I'll probably give more details later if I'm still undecided, but any opinions now would help.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I suck...I mean "Juniper - Interlude 4"

Yes I know I said two weeks, clearly by now you should know not to expect much from me when I set deadlines.
Anyhow, the latest Interlude is up. I cut this one in half because I think it's going to make more sense chronologically if two other interludes go up before the last part of this one.
It is, however, still unedited. I'll go over it again in a few days so the chapter may get replaced if I change my mind and decide that the interlude I cut in half should be recombined into one interlude.
I'll also put up a post here in a few days explaining why two weeks became longer. If you've emailed, commented, reviewed, or pm'd me in that time and I didn't get back to you, I probably haven't read what you sent so just wait another week or so and I'll get back to you.