Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Status Update September '11

I've deleted Yuusen which was pretty much discontinued years ago anyways.
I also deleted No Good Deed and 21.
However, there is still a possibility that either one will be reposted. NGD is pretty much irrelevant to Ro7 at this point and I don't feel like rewriting the chapters that were lost. If this changes at some point in the future I'll repost.
21 is still pretty much dead. I haven't been able to pick up any new inspiration from more recent chapters - if anything they've killed what few ideas I still had for its future. I'll hold onto the old chapters but it's more likely that I'll just pick and choose little things I liked from it and incorporate them into the other stories.
I hope to have updates for Juniper and Ro7 within a week or two but like usual no promises on exact update dates.