Monday, August 10, 2009

21 - Chapter 4 B

Part B of 'Chapter 4' is now up. I'll post the rest of Part B whenever I get to it.

Sorry about the slight delay. I started this chapter back in April and then managed to forget how Sakura and Naruto were supposed to lose the bet. I came up with this back in July but I didn't have the time to start writing it until recently. And before I did that I decided to edit the existing chapters a bit. I personally found this funny but I don't know if you peoples do.

I had more to say to it but blogger deleted it and now I can't remember what all I had to say. So instead, I'm going to go work on finishing a baby blanket. See you peoples later.


All the edits for 21 are done and I'm working on the next chapter of that right now. After that I'm gonna work on the other fics more. I really really need to work on Juniper but I might get Role of Seven up to a better stopping point before I jump into that.
Sorry for disappearing during July. If you want to know why I was ignoring you, go see the pretty stuff I made here.

21 - Chapter 4

This is the last of the edited chapters (except I didn't really edit it at all). Originally the last part of 'Chapter 3' it is now 'Chapter 4 A'.

A few quick notes about the chapter:
There's just something sweet about the legendary prankster being too legendary for his own good. Tsunade's just started to reap the benefits of not believing Naruto. Also yes, Udon and Moegi were both promoted, so were Naruto's temporary teammates (who probably will not appear again). Akemi was, his teammates were not, no real reason for that but I might touch on it again.
And Sakura is giving Konohamaru and his friends way to much credit here.

I swear I've planning that Neji/Temari thing since the beginning. I mean I obviously plan pairings at the start...okay so I really had just decided after writing after mentioning them together in 'Chapter 1 A' that they wouldn't actually be together but I wanted something funny to replace that. Temari/Neji makes them a bit of an odd couple and I figured it would seem funny enough to Naruto to distract him.

Also I don't remember the manga really addressing Hyuuga Hanabi's age and I tend to switch it around in different fics. In this case she's supposed to be about ten and in her last year at the Academy (Naruto just doesn't know so he misstates).

The scene at the barbeque was the weirdest thing I have ever written. I had originally planned on Naruto being the one to meet with them so it was just supposed to be him poking fun at them and trying to embarras them until they turned it around on him, but apparently I couldn't write that so I switched it - which makes sense because I really don't know why I wanted Sakura going into Iruk'a apartment in the first place. Anyways, they all ended up weird but I didn't feel like re-writing it; just don't worry if Iruka and Kakashi's excuse doesn't make any sense, they aren't being remotely honest at this point.
Also, while Naruto may not care that they're together, he does not like the fact that they hid it from him. This will become a bit more obvious in the next part of the chapter.

Naruto and Sakura's training regiment goes something like this:
Every morning and every evening, they meet for a spar. For the first 2 weeks it was unsupervised but from this point out Sakura will be getting friends to supervise. Next chapter will explain exactly what they're doing but I'm sure som people can guess. It has to do with the whole increased dodging and no clones thing that Sakura was talking about at the Academy. They are not regularly destroying their normal training clothes, just very cheap pants and tank tops.

The next part of this chapter will hopefully be up in a week or so. Before that though I have a few notes about the story.

Okay basically after writing through what is now Chapters 1-3, I decided that my original outline was going to take too long and had too much 'down time' where nothing was really happening.
The first thing I did was bring in Kakashi and Iruka's relationship several chapters before I had intended (hence it feeling like it was just dropped out of nowhere). Originally that wouldn't come out until after another big event happened that Naruto would pick up on it himself. Putting it in early was also meant to save me from readers who are homophobic and might've yelled at me for throwing it at them out of the blue. This way I get rid of them faster.

After that I went through the old outline and started throwing out a few subplots and condensing it a bit. The 'focus' of the 3 original segments have been kind of blurred so the fic as a whole will flow together a bit better but the overall plot hasn't changed at all.
I will say that I decided to bring in Uchiha Madara, but not how much of the canon that comes with him will actually be included, you'll just have to wait for the rest of the fic to figure that out.
If you have any questions just let me know.

Friday, August 7, 2009

21 - Chapter 3

Parts A & B of 'Chapter 3' are now up.
Originally these were part 2 of 'Chapter 2' and part 1 of 'Chapter 3'.
They have only had minor grammar editing done to them so if you spot any mistakes just let me know.

A few notes:
I had a few people ask about the reasoning behind what was and wasn't taught at the Academy in regards to Namikaze Minato/Fourth Hokage and the War against Stone/Kyuubi. The Academy thing is pretty typical of school curriculum after disastrous events even in real life. In order to uphold public order, the Third had them teach the basics: the Fourth killed Kyuubi. As for the war, it was more a matter of not focusin on a hero who was already being mourned in hopes that it might ease any negative reaction that could come up if/when Naruto's connection to Kyuubi was revealed.
The reason it was revealed os early was just as Kiba and Sakura say in this chapter. The records from the war were essentially unsealed because enough time had lapsed. Kyuubi's sealing was realeased out of Tsunade's hopes that more information would lead to more understanding when Naruto's connection surfaced.
Also, yes, Naruto is the son of the Fourth in this fic (it's already been heavily hinted at). Also, Kakashi's little whit lie wouldn't sound all that off to the teens. Namikaze Minato was just a veteran of one of the Great Wars who did some really cool shit during battles. The Fourth was not named in their texts.

I decided no to write any more of the prelims (Naruto's was planned that way but I was originally going to put in more fights) because I was already working on the fights for the actual tournament and just didn't feel like putting more in here.

Also, Naruto isn't exactly correct about Team assignmen ts since in this fic, both Teams 8 and 10 are technically the same as his own. He wasn't really paying enough attention when that was being explained to him. His is right (in this fic's world) about the mission assignments though.

In this fic, Uzuki Yuugao (random puple haired ANBU) is the older sister of Uzuki Wata (an OC) and Ami (former classmate) and apparently another purple haired girl who is sitting next to her, but now I can't remember if she was supposed to be based off someone in Konohamaru's class or not so I also can't remember if she was supposed to show up again or not.

The manga (at least as far as I've read - I'm not current) hasn't really told us what - if anything - happened to Uzu no Kuni, so in this story it was taken over.

Original -
Hiya no Jutsu - Fire Arrow Technique
San Teiru: Amekaze no jutsu - 3rd Tail: Driving Rain Technique
Yon Teiru: Chokkagatahishin no jutsu - 4th Tail: Epicenter Technique (It really means 'earthquake hitting above the epicenter' so it's basically the area that would have the most damage after an earthquake)
Sanseiu Juugan no Jutsu - Acid Rain Bullet Technique
Canon -
Suiton: Suigadan - Water Fang Projectile Technique

Thursday, August 6, 2009

21 - Chapter 2

Parts A & B of 'Chapter 2' are now up.
This was originally the 3rd part of chapter 1 and the 1st part of chapter 2 but thanks to me changing my outline a bit they now make up the entirety of 'Chapter 2'.
Again, no real edits to the content itself, just checked really quickly for grammar mistakes but if you still catch any just let me know where they are (preferably here so I can keep track of them).

Few quick chapter notes:
'Coming of Age' in this fic is the celebrants 16th birthday.

When I originally posted this I was told that Akemi was a huge jerk. He wasn't actually supposed to be so hopefully he redeems himself a bit as the fic goes on.

See really quick, I can't even think of anything else to say, so if you have any questions or notes about mistakes in the chapter just let me know.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

21 - Chapter 1

Parts A and B of 'Chapter 1' have been reposted with a few minor edits.
There's no longer a part C of 'Chapter 1' instead that's part of 'Chapter 2' now.
If you notice any grammar problems, or anything else that still needs to be edited just let me know.

Here are the notes for these Chapters:
Part A:
I was too lazy to write out Naruto's entrance into Konoha so if you haven't read the chapter/ seen the episode at the start of Shippuden, you should. It went the same way.
Also assume that the mission to save Gaara occured and happened the same way.
After that mission the fic diverges from canon. That means that not everything that has been revealed in canon applies to this fic; however, I will be choosing to include some things that pop up in the manga after that arc so expect spoilers if you haven't gotten beyond it.
Canon wise this refers mostly to the manga; however, as things move along, there will be occasional references to anime filler and movie characters - mostly taken out of context from their original appearances. They won't be important so just assume fillers haven't happened until a character shows up.
For those of you who don't know much about ear piercings, or ears for that matter, a cartilage piercing is on the top rim of the ear.
Also, if anybody wore opal nail polish to get around dress codes in school, you'll understand what Naruto did. Basically the pain he used for everything but the diamond was designed to only show up when the light hits it very specifically. Any other time you look at it the paint won't show up very well.

Souzou Saisei - Creation Rebirth: it's the jutsu Tsunade uses to heal herself when fighting Orochimaru.

Part B:
This time around I realized I hadn't made this clear in the original version, but Tusnade had already heard from Kakashi and Gai before they even left Suna for Konoha. That's why she knows there's news about Orochimaru.
Back when I started this fic Naruto and Jiraiya's bet made a lot more sense. Now I'm not so sure. It ends relatively quickly, but if you're still confused in a few more chapters, just let me know.

Again, the edits for these chapters are really minor and I'm honestly not focused enough to pick up on grammar so if you notice anything that I've missed in these chapters, or future ones let me know - preferably on the blog because I can keep better track of corrections that way.

Monday, August 3, 2009


...sort of.
Things are calming down a bit right now (we had family in for a while), but now we're getting ready for an upcoming wedding, baby shower, and graduation party (he first of which is out of town). Until this stuff passes (end of August) I can't guarantee any new chapters.
However, I am working on doing some minor editing for 21 so you can expect to see that over the next few weeks.